Recognize, Respond, and Remember
Lab Quality
Our Story
UltraFactor is a proprietary concentrate of ultra-filtered 4Life Transfer Factor proteins and other peptides from cow colostrum.
OvoFactor is a patent-protected concentration of 4Life Transfer Factor proteins and other peptides from chicken egg yolk.
NanoFactor is a proprietary concentration of nano-filtered cow colostrum.
Proven. Propietary. Patented.
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Is this certified Transfer Factor?
Frequently Asked Questions
When were transfer factors discovered?
In 1998, 4Life Founders David and Bianca Lisonbee licensed the patent to extract transfer factors from cow colostrum. The introduction of 4Life Transfer Factor®Classic opened the door to new immune system support products. 4Life’s commitment to transfer factor research has progressively raised the standard for modern-day immune system supplementation.
What are transfer factors?
How does 4Life Transfer Factor® support the immune system?
Transfer factors are some of the most unique molecules in your body. They carry important messages to immune system cells. Transfer factors help your immune system do three big things.
Recognize: 4Life Transfer Factor helps immune system cells quickly identify invading threats.
Respond: 4Life Transfer Factor helps speed up the immune system’s response to a potential threat after it’s been identified.
Remember: 4Life Transfer Factor helps your immune system remember the specific makeup of previously encountered threats, so your body knows how to combat those same threats again.
How is 4Life Transfer Factor different from other products?
Does 4Life have patents for their 4Life Transfer Factor products?